The snow started last Thursday. That morning, I watched, from my window, the beautiful, white flakes fall from heaven; and I welcomed the snow day and time off work. Snow days are one of my favorite things…a cup of coffee and snow peacefully falling outside…ahhh, serenity. I was happy to be home and have the extra time to get things done in preparation for the weekend also. Todd and I were to leave the next morning to visit friends of ours in Kentucky. The trip had been planned for months and we were anxiously counting down the minutes to some much needed alone time as a couple, and much needed time of fellowship with our sweet friends. As the day progressed though, my excitement and serenity began to deteriorate. I no longer looked at the snow and thought of it as beautiful and relaxing. Instead, I felt entrapped and suffocated by it. The thrill was gone. Huge walls of snow closed us in and threatened our freedom.
We watched the news all day on Thursday and again on Friday morning. The snow had come so quickly and intensely, snow plows weren't able to clear the roads fast enough and the interstate was shut down. News reports showed numerous cars abandoned in the middle of the snowy highway; and reporters spoke of people leaving their vehicles to walk to the nearest business seeking warmth and help. Though I was thankful to be safe and warm in the comfort of my home, things were not looking up in terms of our trip. Disappointment and anxiety began to rise within me. I knew there was nothing I could to do to change the situation. So, I turned to the One who could…the Father of details…the One who breathes life and brings spring.
Father, You know how needed this trip is. My heart and mind are heavy with the desire to go;
to rest; to get away. If it’s Your will, please make a way for us, and guide us safely to the
respite of our friends' home. Handle the details and clear the path; and please give me peace to accept Your will even if it means staying home. Thank you, Lord.
to rest; to get away. If it’s Your will, please make a way for us, and guide us safely to the
respite of our friends' home. Handle the details and clear the path; and please give me peace to accept Your will even if it means staying home. Thank you, Lord.
We arrived at our friends' home early Friday evening. (Insert big grin here) With arms open, they greeted us in the drive. Though we go months at a time without seeing one another, we always manage to pick up right where we left off. We love them so. What a blessing to have them in our lives. And, what a blessing to be out of snowy Missouri! The temperature was nearly 20 degrees warmer in Kentucky. There wasn't a flake of snow in sight! And, the sun – oh, the glorious sun! I soaked up the rays like a sponge soaks up water; thankful to be away from the gloomy winter days I’d left behind.
“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Romans 8:38-39
Nothing can separate us from God’s love. Nothing. Not even… a snow storm.
What “snow storms” in your life make you feel separated? May you be filled with peace and knowledge that while you may feel and/or be separated from others, nothing can separate you from the love of Jesus.
Father, thank you for a wonderful weekend of fellowship with our dear friends. Thank you for clearing the slick roads and for Your hand of protection during our travels. And, thank you, Lord, that we are never ever separated from Your love.